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Final Fantasy VIII - Magic

Magic Ability:

Magic is an ability that is granted when a GF with the Magic ability is Junctioned to a character.

To gain magic, you must either draw it from Draw Points & enemies or refine items into Magic (subject to having the right refining ability; using AP to unlock it on the GF)

The amount of Magic you can have is finite and can run out, so use draw and refine often to keep them topped up.

Offensive Magic

Fire Elemental Magic

Name Description Refinement Ability
Fire Minor Fire-elemental damage on one target. F Mag-RF
Fira Medium Fire-elemental damage on one target. F Mag-RF, Mid Mag-RF
Firaga Heavy Fire-elemental damage on one target. F Mag-RF, High Mag-RF

Lightning Elemental Magic

Name Description Refinement Ability
Thunder Minor Thunder-elemental damage on one target. T Mag-RF
Thundara Medium Thunder-elemental damage on one target. T Mag-RF, Mid Mag-RF
Thundaga Heavy Thunder-elemental damage on one target. T Mag-RF, High Mag-RF

Ice Elemental Magic

Name Description Refinement Ability
Blizzard Minor Ice-elemental damage on one target. I Mag-RF
Blizzara Medium Ice-elemental damage on one target. I Mag-RF, Mid Mag-RF
Blizzaga Heavy Ice-elemental damage on one target. I Mag-RF, High Mag-RF

Other Elemental Magic

Name Description Refinement Ability
Water Medium Water-elemental damage on one target. I Mag-RF
Aero Medium Wind-elemental damage on one target. T Mag-RF
Tornado Heavy Wind-elemental damage on all units in the targeted party. T Mag-RF, High Mag-RF
Bio Medium Poison-elemental damage and inflicts the Poison status ailment, causing them to take damage after they take a turn. ST Mag-RF
Quake Heavy Earth-elemental damage on all units in the targeted party. Time Mag-RF
Holy Very Heavy Holy-elemental damage to one target. L Mag-RF, Forbid Mag-RF

Non-Elemental Magic

Name Description Refinement Ability
Demi Damage = 25% of the target's current HP on one target. Percentage varies if drawn-cast. Time Mag-RF
Flare Very Heavy non-elemental damage on one target. F Mag-RF
Meteor Hits ten random units in the targeted party for random damage. Forbid Mag-RF
Ultima Very Heavy non-elemental damage to all units in the targeted party. Forbid Mag-RF
Apocalypse * Very Heavy non-elemental damage to all units in the targeted party. Stronger than Ultima. N/A

(*) Apocalypse is only available during the final Boss fight and can not be stocked; you can only Draw-Cast it onto the Boss.

Support Magic

Curative Magic

Name Description Refinement Ability
Cure Minor HP Restoration on one target. Deals damage to Undead enemies. L Mag-RF
Cura Medium HP Restoration on one target. Deals damage to Undead enemies. L Mag-RF, Mid Mag-RF
Curaga Heavy HP Restoration on one target. Deals damage to Undead enemies. L Mag-RF, High Mag-RF
Life Revives a target from Knocked Out status and restores 25% of their HP. L Mag-RF
Full-Life Revives a target from Knocked Out status and restores 100% of their HP. L Mag-RF
Regen Bestows Regen on one target, allowing them to gradually recover HP over time. L Mag-RF
Esuna Removes all negative status ailments from one target except Doom. Supt Mag-RF

Status Effect Magic

Name Description Refinement Ability
Sleep Inflicts Sleep on the target, preventing them from taking action until they are physically struck or otherwise wake up. ST Mag-RF
Blind Inflicts Darkness on the target, causing their physical attacks to miss more often. ST Mag-RF
Silence Inflicts Silence on the target, preventing them from casting spells. ST Mag-RF
Confuse Inflicts Confuse on the target, causing them to choose random abilities on random units. ST Mag-RF
Berserk Inflicts Berserk on the target, increasing their physical strength but attacks enemies indiscriminately and uncontrollably. ST Mag-RF
Break Inflicts Petrify on the target, turning them into stone until cured. Counts as defeated. ST Mag-RF
Zombie Inflicts Zombie on one target, forcing them to take damage from curative abilities. L Mag-RF
Death Attempts to instantly kill one target. L Mag-RF
Slow Inflicts Slow on one target, reducing the speed at which their ATB gauge increases. Time Mag-RF
Stop Inflicts Stop on one target, freezing their ATB gauge for a short time. Time Mag-RF
Meltdown Inflicts Vit 0 on the target, forcing them to receive more damage against physical attacks. ST Mag-RF
Pain Inflicts Darkness, Silence and Poison on the target. ST Mag-RF

Battle Support Magic

Name Description Refinement Ability
Scan Reveals Level, HP, elemental affinities and detailed information on strategy and/or personality on the target. N/A
Double Allows target to cast two spells in a single turn. Time Mag-RF
Triple Allows target to cast three spells in a single turn. Time Mag-RF, High Mag-RF
Dispel Removes all positive status ailments from one target. Supt Mag-RF
Protect Bestows Protect on one target, reducing damage suffered from physical attacks by half. Supt Mag-RF
Shell Bestows Shell on one target, reducing damage suffered from magic attacks by half. Supt Mag-RF
Reflect Bestows Reflect on one target, reflecting all single-target spells from the target onto a unit on the opposing party. Supt Mag-RF
Float Bestows Float on the target, granting them immunity from Earth-elemental attacks. N/A
Drain Inflicts damage from the target and heals the spellcaster by the same amount. Works in reverse when cast on the Undead. Supt Mag-RF
Haste Bestows Haste on one target, increasing the speed at which their ATB gauge increases. Time Mag-RF
Aura Bestows Aura on the target, allowing them access to Limit Breaks regardless of HP for allied units, or increases the strength for enemy units. Supt Mag-RF
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